The ignition coil is able to transform the low voltage from the vehicle into high voltage due to its structure, which is similar to a standard transformer with a larger turns ratio between the primary and secondary coils. Fakat, the way an ignition coil operates is different from a regular transformer. Ordinary transformers work continuously, while ignition coils work intermittently, storing and releasing energy at different frequencies based on the different speeds of the engine.
Birincil bobin güç kaynağına bağlandığında, a strong magnetic field develops around it as the current increases, and the iron core stores this magnetic energy. Anahtar cihazı birincil bobin devresinin bağlantısını kestiğinde, the magnetic field of the primary coil decays rapidly, inducing a high voltage in the secondary coil. Birincil bobinin manyetik alanı ne kadar hızlı kaybolursa, the larger the current at the moment when the current is broken, and the greater the turns ratio of the two coils, ikincil bobin tarafından indüklenen voltaj ne kadar yüksek olursa,.
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